Terms and Condition

For the login distributor

  • Mail your complete biodata to the company.
  • Pay close attention to sq-fit.com company as well as connected login holders after getting the position of distributor.
    Stay connected with the company.

For the person logging in

  • He will have to take a self-cost visit to the place indicated by the company in his own way.
  • The society will be decided by the company and the holder will be able to select his own property number.

For everyone who logs in

  • Free login
  • Login free, register fee Rs. 750 first annual
  • Provide all correct identification for the person logging in. Aadhaar card number, contact number, e-mail address required.
  • calculate the sq-fit purchase-sale amount as per the daily basis.
  • Which will be charged 2% on the purchase-sale amount of that time.
  • Certificate of purchased sq-fit will be received by e-mail within 2 hours after payment.
    Also copy will be available in 4 days in Gujarat, 3 days outside Gujarat which should be obtained from the distributor.
  • Cash, RTGS, NEFT, OR online payment gateway mode the amount sq-fit purchased, and send the details to the company.
  • The returned sq-fit amount will always be received by cheque in A/C
  • The login holder will have to pay the government jantri, lawyer fee separately in the area society. Which must be paid by check.
  • The buying and selling amount in sq-fit.com will always increase and decrease as per the policy rule.

Guarantee for registered customers

  • The property purchased by you through sq-fit.com will be exchanged or sold if it does not suit your family in future.
  • In case of any NPA problem in other bank loans taken by you unintentionally in the future in the house purchased by you through sq-fit.com, at that time you will be given EMI assistance for a maximum of 3 years. Which you will be able to return after a certain period of time.